Pickleball Played Here!

We Play Pickleball Everyday!

Pickleball Mania is Sweeping Camp Bournedale This Summer!!

Pickleball is the fastest growing sport in the nation. At Camp Bournedale last summer, campers and counselors alike flocked to the courts to get their daily dose of pickleball. After an introduction to the sport through Coach Andy and Coach Julie, campers lined up to play pickleball each morning and afternoon. Doubles was definitely more popular than singles and there were many challenges back and forth throughout the summer.

This year, we are looking to continue to grow the sport with the addition of more pickleball courts and making it a class option every day.

In addition to pickleball instruction and games, we are also looking to have several intercamp tournaments. So campers and counselors, brush up on your dinking and volleying skills and remember – STAY OUT OF THE KITCHEN!